Niger free phone number search. Find out who called you.
Phone number format in Niger: +227 - 20742 - Local Number
Phone number is active in: Niamey, Niger
Timezone: Africa/Niamey
City name: Niamey
Country code: +227
City area code: 20742
Country and city area code combined: +22720742
Cities in Niger with this Area Code:
Active Area Codes Niger:
2020, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2077, 20410, 20411, 20440, 20441, 20452, 20510, 20511, 20512, 20513, 20514, 20515, 20516, 20517, 20540, 20610, 20640, 20650, 20680, 20711, 20722, 20723, 20724, 20725, 20732, 20733, 20734, 20735, 20736, 20737, 20738, 20739, 20740, 20741, 20742, 20743, 20744, 20752, 20753, 20754, 20755, 20784,Active Mobile Codes Niger:
93, 94, 96,The phone that you searched for contains 20742 and is located in Niamey, Niger. The timezone of the owner's location is Africa/Niamey. The address is based in Niamey. Phone number starting with +227-20742 is located in Niamey, Niger
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